Mentions légales


60 b rue Guignegault
45100 Orléans
Plan d'accès
A noter que l'entreprise EFG ne dispose pas de locaux accessibles au public.

Tél : 02 38 24 73 12
Mobile : 06 21 08 43 23
Fax : 09 58 05 72 14
E-mail :
Site internet :
SIRET : 501 675 573 000 15
R.C.S. : 501 675 573
N.A.F. (APE) : 453A - 8020Z
Catégorie juridique : 1100 Artisan-commerçant diplômé
Inscrit au registre du commerce et à la chambre des métiers du Loiret

Assurances RC et Décennale souscrite au près de la MMA

Nous acceptons le règlement des sommes dues par chèques libellés à notre nom en qualité de membre d'un Centre de Gestion Agréé.

Artisan diplômé:

CAP Electrotechnique

BP Electrotechnique

CPP Electrotechnique

Diplôme d'Artisan Electricien 

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a service used on our website that tracks, reports traffic and measures how users interact with our website content in order for us to improve it and provide better services.

Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel collects data that helps us track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads, build targeted audiences for future ads, and remarket to people who have already taken some actions on our website. By accepting it you agree to the Facebook's privacy policy:


Our website allows you to like or share its content on Facebook social network. By activating and using it you agree to Facebook's privacy policy:


Integrated videos provided by YouTube are used on our website. By accepting to watch them you agree to Google's privacy policy:


Integrated videos provided by Vimeo are used on our website. By accepting to watch them you agree to Vimeo's privacy policy:


Integrated tweets and share services of Twitter are used on our website. By accepting and using these you agree to Twitter's privacy policy:


Our website allows you to share its content on Skype social network. By activating and using it you agree to Skype's Consumers Terms:


Our website allows you to share its content on PInterest social network. By activating and using it you agree to PInterest's privacy policy:

Google Ad

Our website uses Google Ads to display advertising content. By accepting it you agree to the Google's privacy policy: